bible study

OYB for Jan 31st

(Very liberal points of view about to be expressed. You have been warned. ;) )

I must admit that I've always had a problem with a portion of today's reading. Specifically, Matthew 21:18-22.

OYB for Jan 30th

One Year Bible Blog: January 30th readings
(I'm trying out a new posting tool. We'll see how this works)

I've always liked the "workers in the vineyard" story. We get such a tight focus on what's "fair" that we forget what's "just." The early workers received a just wage for their efforts. By our standards (and apparently those of Jesus' time as well) it wasn't "fair." No doubt today the vineyard owner would be sued for discrimination or unfair labor practices.

I knew I liked this guy ;)

Alan over at "A Different Perspective" has written a comment on the Intelligent Design debate.

OYB Jan 24th

OYB for today

Genesis 48:1-49:33

The nature of sinfulness

The reading for today at the One Year Bible Blog includes Matthew 15:1-28. He calls the church leaders "onto the carpet" so to speak for so burying the word of God in rules and regulations that it's virtually unrecognisable. To me, it's very clear that he's saying that what you do is not nearly as important as why you do it.

Joseph in Egypt

Those of you who've been reading along with my comments for the Bible in a Year blog will have notice a theme. At least, I have. I seem to be caught up with the idea that Abraham's deceit and self-reliance carried through with negative consequences to Isaac, and Jacob, and Jacob's children. But, in today's reading , Joseph seems to be the remedy for that chain of sin.

Joseph the dreamer

Just some fairly insignificant thoughts on the Joseph story, plus a blurb about the musical "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"

Random thoughts on today's readings

My thoughts from today's Bible readings on Jacob wrestling, Jesus' yoke, and the debate between creationism and evolution.

Jan 10th OneYearBibleBlog comments

Mike at OneYearBibleBlog asks, among other questions:

do you believe that Jesus still heals people today?


Do you believe he can?

Testing and God

Part of today's reading for the One Year Bible Blog is Genesis 22, which talks about Abraham being asked to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. I suspect that my literalist friends will not like my take on this passage, but here it is anyway. ;)

My translation (NRSV) of v 1-2 reads:


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